zPicture :: Visualization Tool for Analyzing Conservation Profiles 1. Requirements 1.1. zPicture should be run on blastz alignments. Therefore blastz program that is freely available at http://bio.cse.psu.edu/dist is required. 1.2. zPicture also uses 'gd' version 2.x graphical library that could be freely obtained from http://www.boutell.com/gd/ 1.3. Three TTF font files are needed for zPicture - timesb.ttf, comic.ttf, and comicbd.ttf You should modify zPicture.h file and indicate their location in case it differs from /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/webfonts 2. Source files zPicture tool consists of two programs - blastz2zbn and zPicture. blastz2zbn is used to compress blastz alignments into the 'zbn' format utilized by zPicture program. zPicture creates conservation profile images in the graphical PNG format. 3. Installation 2.1. Unpack the source files gzip -c zpicture.tar.gz | tar xvf - 2.2. Compile blastz2bin and zPicture (Note: if you are using not a g++ compiler please make required changes to the first line of 'Makefile' files) cd blastz2zbn make cd zPicture make 4. Test blastz2zbn installation cd blastz2zbn/test ../blastz2zbn human_mouse.blastz > test.zbn diff test.zbn human_mouse.zbn (files should be the same) 5. Test zPicture installation cd zPicture/test ../zPicture human_mouse.zbn human mouse human.exons human.reps > picture.png display picture.png (or use any other picture visualization utility) 6. Add zPicture and blastz2bin locations to your PATH environment variable 7. How to use zPicture zPicture could be utilized to visualize compressed blastz alignments. First you would need to have two sequences in FASTA format. For example, called 'human' and 'mouse'. Then you need to run blastz to get a blastz alignment: blastz human mouse > human_mouse.blastz Next step is to compress the blastz alignment into the zbn binary format blastz2zbn human_mouse.blastz > human_mouse.zbn If you would like to have repetitive elements visualized you would need to have a RepeatMasker (http://repeatmasker.genome.washington.edu/cgi-bin/RepeatMasker) output file (human.reps, for example). If you don't have one or you don't want to visualize repeats, you would need to have an empty file instead of the RepeatMasker output. You can create an empty file by 'touch'ing it: touch human.reps Also, zPicture allows for a visualization of gene features and uses gene annotation to differentially color the conservation profile (you can read the details at http://zpicture.dcode.org/zpInstructions.html). This is an example of the file that we will save as human.exons for this example case: < 3186 5447 GENE 3186 3499 UTR 3500 3916 exon 4994 5447 exon As in case of repetitive elements you can avoid using the gene annotation file by creating an empty gene annotation file Now, when the input files are ready, zPicture can be executed: zPicture human_mouse.zbn human mouse human.exons human.reps > picture.png 8. Different zPicture options -justPrintEcrs : image will not be generated, instead all the ECRs (Evolutionary Conserved Regions) will be described in the print out -ecrWin and -ecrId : parameters that define an ECR; minimal length and minimal percent identity -smooth : smooth-plot will be generated instead of a pip-plot -numSeq N : if there are multiple alignments, all of them could be visualized, one on top of another. for example, if you have human_mouse and human_rat alignments you can visualize them simultaneously by running: zPicture -numSeq 3 human_mouse.zbn human_rat.zbn human mouse human.exons human.reps > picture.png other options are listed if zPicture is run without parameters 9. Questions? Please forward them to dcode@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov